
sua Mente
em nome da Paz
Sky Mind
Do you want to learn how to use your mind and thoughts in your favor? Welcome to SKy Mind By Shirayam.
We live an automatic, hectic life, in which without realizing it we become hostages of our own anxious, angry and insecure thoughts that end up guiding our lives.
This mind is the same mind that decides on how to carry our relationships, our work, and defines the quality of how we live our lives.
Sky Mind by Shirayam is a training in which the mind, emotions, and actions find harmony and congruence.
Based on the belief system study technic called The Work, created by the american Byron Katie, in which the process of self inquiry teaches us how to reeducate our mind rather than being hostages of our thoughts, thereby guiding our heart back to its natural balance.
O que é The Work?
The Work é uma abordagem inovadora para investigar e questionar os pensamentos e crenças que causam sofrimento em nossas vidas. Criado por Byron Katie, este método simples, porém profundo, nos guia através de um processo de auto investigação que nos permite examinar de perto as histórias que contamos a nós mesmos sobre o mundo, os outros e nós mesmos.

Training Includes:
Byron Katie's work
Active and passive meditations
Group experiences
Mindful walks
Transcendental body movement
Therapeutic writing practices
It provides greater autonomy in thinking, feeling, and acting. As well as a clearer perception of reality and of the projections we have in our personal relationships.
Decrease of stress and anxiety;
Understanding, acceptance and redesign towards life;
A more organized and clear mind focusing on what is a priority;
Emotional Intelligence Development;
Deep relaxation, emotional calmness
More awareness of yourself, your triggers and defensive mechanisms;
More confidence in being yourself;
Daily tools to maintain a healthy mind and its natural positiveness;
The training is organized into basic and advanced modules.

The main benefits are:
Grupo de prática e dúvidas no WhatsApp
Acompanhamento individualizado de Shirayam e sua equipe
Acesso à prioridade de informação sobre o Retiro Sky Mind - The Work en Mallorca, Espanha , em setembro de 2025 com Shirayam e convidado surpresa , será em inglês com tradução.
Aula extra no final com o tema que o grupo votar
Acesso a Plataforma Digital com mais de 200 horas aulas sobre auto conhecimento por 7 meses, liberado logo depois da inscrição confirmada.
Seleção de vídeos com sessões e ensinamentos de Byron Katie com subtítulos em português.
Primeira aula ao vivo con Shirayam quinzenal , iniciando día 24 de junho às 19 horas de Brasília.
As aulas ficarão gravadas em nossa plataforma.
O Acesso a plataforma com as aulas bônus será liberado logo após a confirmação da inscrição.
Training Price: R$ 1350.00 until 01/30/24.
After the date above, R$ 1490.00.
Payment method: in cash or in installments of up to 12 installments with interest
About the Facilitators:

Shirayam Daniele Ribeiro
She began her spiritual quest at the age of 17, moving to Chile when she met her mentor Suryavan Solar in 1993. She is the Co-Founder of the Free Mind CB school of self-knowledge, acting as a director for 10 years in 10 countries from 2009 to 2019.
In 2003 she met Byron Katie and became specialized in The Work Method through the 5 Schools she attended with Katie in California and Florida, a method she still works today in her retreats and sessions.
Certified in:
CNV (Non-Violent Communication) - Brazil
Psych-k (Reprogramming limiting beliefs, subconscious) - Chile
Breathwork by Clarity Rebirthing - California
DNA Theta Healing - Miami Florida
Para mais informações, entre em contato por whatsapp:
© 2021 Shirayam Ribeiro, all rights reserved. Developed by creativekali & marilianigaru