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Soul Walk

by Shirayam  

Would you like to walk for 20 days in Europe on one of the oldest pilgrimage routes on the planet? 

Welcome to Soul Walk - Camino de Santiago de Compostela 2024.

Soul Walk, what is it?
Conscious walking or pilgrimage to places of beautiful landscape and sacred sites with focus on self-knowledge, transformation, and expansion of consciousness.

For whom it is:

  • For people who are thirsty for renewal, depth and adventure in their lives.

  • For those who want to settle their minds, connect with natural joy, unplug from stressful and anxious habits, and meet new people, including their true selves.

  • For those who feel that pilgrimage is also a way to connect with what is sacred to each of us.



  1. To build the habit of conscious walking for the rest of your life.

  2. To expand your horizons by having a transcendental experience.

  3. To enhance your practice of meditation and presence

  4. To reframe your vision of the world

  5. Experience new cultures

  6. Experience forest bathing

  7. To delve into your self-knowledge

  8. To provide a space for each participant to have a guideline on how to carry out their walk, as well as to leave space for each person to live their own story.

Benefits :

  1. Nourish your self-esteem

  2. Have an unforgettable experience

  3. Boost your health through exercising, breathing, eating, and being present

  4. Get to know a new version of yourself

  5. Settle and focus your mind

  6. Renovate the joy in your heart

  7. Reinforce faith in what is sacred to you

  8. Learn therapeutic writing and meditation in movement

  9. Grow your emotional intelligence

Period in which we will be traveling:

Our third Soul Walking will be on the Camino de Santiago de Compostela from the 23th of April to the 14th of May 2023, in Spain.

We leave Madrid by train to our starting point, and from there we travel the Camino de Santiago for 20 days, with an itinerary filled with group support and special activities.

For the Body:

Daily stretching and self-care sessions, Conscious walking, as well as getting to know and enjoying the local cuisine of each region.

For the Mind:

Lectures on local culture, History, visualizations, decrees, mantras, for each (a) person to choose the one that inspires him/her the most.


For the Heart:

The ability to experience the Divine every day, therapeutic activities, the ceremony of the River meeting, and open-hearted dialogue.


For the Spirit:

Meditations, Prayers, Offerings, and Transcendental Experiences.


About our Guide:

Shirayam Daniele Ribeiro

Shirayam is a Mentor, Facilitator, Writer, Speaker and Therapist.


She has supported thousands of people, in person, in more than 10 countries through counseling, seminars, lectures, corporate training, pilgrimages and retreats. 


In Portuguese, Spanish and English, and with simultaneous translation into French and Italian.

By using a wide range of self-study and personal development techniques, Shirayam brings to you, through simple, profound and effective methods, the possibility to evaluate yourself, to acknowledge and redefine what is obsolete. 

Identify and value your innate talents, strengths, and virtues. This will bring to yourself, your relationships, goals and dreams a renewed energy, transcendental experiences and focus that will add to the story of your life: happiness, purpose, inspiration, and energy.

What is included?

  • Transfer, as long as in trio, from the airport to your arrival stay in Madrid.

  • One night in a double room in Madrid , on the scheduled dates of our arrival and departure event ( April 23 and May 14, 2024)

  • Round-trip train ticket: From Madrid to our starting point and from Santiago de Compostela back to Madrid.

  • Our Soul walk - Camino de Santiago Team T-Shirt 

  • Purchase of the Pilgrims Credential in the city of origin which will be sealed during our entire journey everywhere we go.

  • Accommodations in pilgrim's hostels along the way.

  • The initial breakfast of our journey.

  • Live online classes, pre-event, about the History of the Camino, guidance on physical preparation, focus and purpose of this journey, with Shirayam, by Zoom, recorded to watch in your own time and with room for questions and answers.

  • Logistical support for the purchase of airline tickets, accommodation, emergency control, translation, check list and supervision of what to bring to the Camino, guidance on training, how to use your equipment, reservations for extra activities, and the experience and logistical expertise of having already traveled the stretch that we will be doing twice.

  • Simultaneous translation whenever necessary.

  • Dinner upon arrival in Santiago de Compostela.

  • Entrance to Leon Cathedral

  • Entrance to the Medieval Castle of Ponferrada

  • Entrance to the Samos Monastery

  • Three online meetings after the Camino de Santiago and two online meetings after the walk, to reunite the group, strengthen our practice and maintain our energy.

  • Whatsapp group only for the participants, before, during and after the event.

Investment in yourself:

2,290 Euros

(until 12/20, after this date the value will be 2,490 Euros)

For all details on payment methods please inquire here:

Application form


Not Included

  • Food.

  • Land transport along the Walk, by taxi or Uber (From 20 to 40 euros from one city to another for those people who already know they will not walk the 20 to 25 kilometers each day. We will try to organize them in pairs or trios, whenever possible.

  • Laundry service (last year we paid more or less 5 euros to wash and another 6 to dry and we always shared it between two or three people and washed in a group)

  • Horseback riding, ( optional ) for a steep uphill walk there are 4 vacancies and the price is €50. The trip takes two hours, the walk takes 5 hours, some people want to go on foot, others by taxi, others on horseback. We will book from the beginning as there are only 4 vacancies.

  • Finisterre Tour on the last day (optional) for those who want to go, it costs 60 euros per person (2022), it is beautiful and takes all day.

  • Backpack transportation service included on the walk. If you prefer not carrying it ( it costs about 4 to 6 Euros from one city to another).


  • To flow through blessings and obstacles along the way.

  • To fill out the registration form and pay in full before the event starts.

  • To attend previous online meetings.

  • Health and physical resistance to go on the walk, from 20 to 25 kilometers a day, or the financial willingness to arrange land transport whenever you feel tired, or when you have reached your limit.

  • To have international health insurance.

  • To be responsible for your health and physical condition.

  • To have enabled your cell phone for international service while on the walk for group communications and security reasons. 

  • To carry your backpack on your own or to financially take responsibility for the transportation required.

  • No smoking, or drug use of any sort, or being under the effects of alcohol during the walks.

  • To feel the calling of the Camino de Santiago de Compostela in your heart.

For further information, please contact us by whatsapp:

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+ 1 (305) 776-7225

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